By:Pungki Harmoko
Rasululullah SAW said, "will come to people one day when people turn riba into halal with reason: terms of trade" (Narrated Ibn Bathah, from Al 'Auzai).
In the lives of Muslims that is increasingly difficult, some ignore the problem of halal and haram of intersest rate. There is even obviously says that intersest rate is halal. This is due to the involvement of the Muslims in living systems Secularism-Western Capitalism and Socialism-Atheism system. For those who still adhere to Islamic law, then work to make life stand on clean and halal conditions. But because the people at present are poor people, ignorant, and incapable of distinguishing between an opinion with another opinion, they now become the most confused, tossed around by a variety of opinions and thoughts. In this short article, there are some aspects that want to put forward about the issues surrounding riba. At the beginning, interest of riba in history. Will be briefly described the role of the Children of Israel and their behavior in the usury problem. Secondly, the behavior of Jews in changing their own Sharia (Law of God). Briefly described the role of the Jews in justify usury. Thirdly, still within the framework of the behavior of the Jews, also told affliction, their efforts in building the network of life in the economic and financial world, particularly in the areas of monetary and banking.
Usury and the Jewish Historical Overview
Since first, Allah has forbidden usury. The status of haram is eternal and can’t be changed until the judgement day. Even this law has been confirmed in Sharia of Prophet Musa, Isa, until the time of the Prophet Muhammad. About such things, the Qur'an has told us about the behavior of the Jews who was condemned by Allah caused their cruel and immoral, including property deeds take usury. Allah says: For the wrong-doing of the Jews, We made unlawful to them certain good foods which has been lawful to them, and for their hindering many from Allah's Way;And their taking of Riba (usury) though they were forbidden from taking it and their devouring of men's substance wrongfully (bribery, etc.). And We have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful torment(An-nisa’:160-161). Historically, the Jews are a people who long time ago tried in every way to dissuade people to not implement Sharia of Allah. They killed the prophets, trying to change the shape and content of the Torah and the Gospel, and justify what Allah has forbidden. For example, justifies the sexual relationship between a child and the father, allowing the practice of witchcraft, usury, thus justifies famed of past and present that among Jews with usury actions are difficult to separate. About the close of motion between usury with Jewish life, we can know in their scriptures: "If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not treat it like a business deal; charge no interest. (Exodus, 22:25). In the book of Leviticus (person Levite), such anyway ban on which have a close meaning. On the book is mentioned in order that people of Jews do not take riba among his own people : “If your brother becomes impoverished and is indebted to you, you must support him; he must live with you like a foreign resident. Do not take interest or profit from him, but you must fear your God and your brother must live with you.You must not lend him your money at interest and you must not sell him food for profit.(Imamat, 35-37). It is clear in these verses that the Jews had been forbidden to eat riba (interest). But in reality, they rebelled and ignore the ban. Why are they so dare to violate the provisions of the law! In this case, Buya Hamka (late) quotes from the Torah in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 23 verse 20: Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it. Based on the quote above, Buya Hamka draw the conclusion that the verse has become the guidance of the Jews of the world until now. Them, even if not sitting in the seat of government in a country, but they are just ruling the country through usurious loans that ensnaring neck.
Jews and the International Monetary Control
In a manuscript fragment Protokolat, the form of Jewish evil strategy, mentioned that the bankruptcy various countries in the economic field is the result of their brilliant creations, such as the credit (loans) that ensnare neck non-Jewish state that increasingly painful. They say that foreign aid has done virtually like a piece of parasites that absorb all the potential out of the country's economy. It is in fact at the present time, Jews have managed to dominate the international monetary system, especially in the field of banking. For example, their mastery of the financial center in Wall Street (New York). This place is a share exchange (money) in the world. Financial circulation in the United States has been dominated by Jews since the early twentieth century to the present. In addition, they also mastered the industrial areas (which are generally required by the crowds), international trade (in the form of giant corporations), spread across the Americas, Europe and countries in Asia and Africa. For example, in America, Jewish control of the company General Electric, Fairstone, Standard Oil, Texas, and Mobil Oil. In foreign exchange trading, the broker every 10 people, nine of them were Jewish. In France, the majority stake in the various fields of life belongs to the Jews. In destroying morale in a country, the Jews and their lackeys contribute, for example managing casino business, night club, or the drugs trade.
Can we justify Riba?
Even ordinary Muslims must know that consuming large treasure usury is a sin. Even in a hadith mentioned that consuming usury treasures including the greatest sin as idolatry, witchcraft, killing, and consuming the orphan's property. Even in an other Hadith it is mentioned that the act of riba rank 36 times greater sin than the sin of adultery. Rasul said:
"One dirham obtained by one of the (deeds) of riba, the sin is 36 greater than fornication in Islam (after converting to Islam)" (Reported by al Baihaqy, from Anas bin Malik).
Therefore, none of the acts that are accursed of Allah more than usury. So Allah give strong warning that people who devour usury will be fought (Surat al-Baqara: 279). If at first riba is forbidden only doubled, but before the Messenger of Allah died, has revealed the verses of riba ( Surah Al Baqarah verse 278-281) which according to its asbabun nuzul last verses of the Quran. In a series of verses is confirmed that usury, both small and great, doubled or not, it remains forbidden until the Day of Judgement. More than that, through a series of paragraph 275 of these verses, Allah SWT has forbidden usury of all kinds, including riba (interest) bank:
"They say (found) the actual buying and selling the same as usury; whereas Allah has made buying and selling and has forbidden usury. People who have come to their ban of his Lord and stops (from taking usury), then for him what he has taken (collected) at a time (before the advent of the ban) and his business (up to) Allah. While for those who repeat (taking usury), then those people are inhabitants of hell, they will abide there in "(Surah Al Baqarah: 275).
In this regard, Ibn Abbas said:
"Anyone who still take usury and does not want to leave, it has become obligatory for the Imam (head of the Islamic State) to advise such persons. But if they still persist, then a priest allowed to cut off his neck ".
Also Al-Hasan ibn Ali and Ibn Sirin said:
"By God, the people who trade in coins (money changers) are the ones who devour usury. They have been reminded of the threat will be fought by Allah and His Messenger. If there is a just Imam (head of the Islamic State), then the priest shall provide advice for that person repents (ie left usury). If such persons refuse, then they shall be fought ".
What exactly is usury? Globally, it can be noted that the definition of usury is: "Additional contained in the contract which comes from one of the parties, both in terms of (the acquisition of) money, materials / goods, and or time, without any effort on the part of those who accept additional '. Definitions This presumably is able to cover all types and forms of usury, whether he has ever had at the time of ignorance (Fadhal usury, Nasi'ah usury, Al Qardh usury), as well as riba exist at the present time, such as usury which includes interest from bank loans, investment deposits, buying and selling stocks and other securities, and or usury sale of goods and money. For this example, riba latter much and can develop at any time.Base on this definition, although the names and types vary but can include many kinds of usury that would exceed 73 kinds according to information from the Hadith of the Prophet. Prophet through recourse to the supernatural vision revelation, it has been learned that one day Muslims will justify usury with trading reasons (business), as stated in the hadeeth of this article. More than that, he had been told that usury in the future (eg, age and so on) will include various activities of the economic and financial aspects of life that would eventually involve all the Muslims. Words of the Prophet:
"Riba it has 73 kinds. While (sin) is the lightest (from the usurious kinds) is like someone who married (fornicated) own mother ... "(Reported by Ibn Majah, Hadith No.2275, and Al-Hakim, Volume II, page 37, from Ibn Mas 'ud, with a saheeh isnaad).
Also the words of the Prophet:
"It will come at a time man (when) no one among them who are not going to take (property) usury. Anyone who (try to) do not eat it, then he will remain exposed to dust (riba). "(Reported by Ibn Majah, Hadith No.2278 and Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No.3331, from Abu Hurairah).
All the above arguments show that all forms and types of riba is haram regardless of whether usury again has been around in those days of ignorance or usury which appears in the current times. This notion is confirmed in surah Al-Baqarah verse 275 that it is general, the law covers all forms and types of riba; real and hidden, a little percentage or doubled, consumptive and productive. Lafazh Usul Fiqh according to the rules should not be limited and collapsible understanding. Usul rules it reads:
"General wording will remain as long as there are general arguments (syar'iy) which exclude them".
In this case there is not a single verse or hadith that justifies some of the forms and types of riba (usury productive example), and the only forbidden partial or others (eg usury doubled, consumptive, usurious moneylenders). Thus, it is clear to us that all forms and types of riba is haram and remain unclean until the Day of Judgement. Therefore, on the basis of what modernist intellectuals and scholars to justify usury daring bank interest? They have dared to discriminate against illegitimate halal-based consumptive and productive nature, when Allah and His Messenger never discriminate shapes and types of riba. There is no single cause since the enactment of the law for the prohibition of usury. Is modernist intellectuals and scholars want to change the laws of Allah from haram into halal simply because of the benefit, such as for development, poverty, or as in the present banking activities are based on the activity of riba is reign in the Muslim community? Perhaps the intellectuals and modernist scholars no longer fear of the threat and punishment from Allah SWT:
"When a philandering and various types and forms of usury appear in a village, then the person has really ignored (do not care) at all against the punishment of Allah that will befall to them (someday)" (Reported by Thabrani, Al Hakim, and Ibn Abbas; See Yusuf An Nabahani, Fath Al Kabir, Volume I, page 132).
Opinions and fatwa that emerged from the modernist intellectuals and scholars are not actually in place and did not qualify for the person authorized to ijtihad and does not deserve to be called a mujtahid scholars. Therefore they have no right to issue a fatwa, let alone to change the law of Allah and His Messenger! Muslims are commanded to reject any fatwa that is not based on the Islamic law. We are obliged to reject it, even prevented any legal obligation based on the reason and the passions. Therefore, humans have no right to determine any law. He must submit to the law of Allah and His Messenger alone. When we obey modernist intellectuals and clerics who justify usury, then it just means we make them as the God. That's what was said by the Prophet to 'Adiy bin Hatim, when he speaks the words of God Almighty:
They have taken their rabbis and their monks as Gods besides Allah and (also) Messiah the son of Maryam; and they were not commanded except to worship only One God - Allah; none is worthy of worship except Him; Purity is to Him from all that they ascribe as partners (to Him).(Taubah:31)
Then Adiy bin Hatim said:
"We do not worship them (the monk and priest)". He replied: "Indeed they have justify what has been previously forbidden, forbid what is lawful, and you obey them. That form of worship you against them "(Reported by Imam Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Jarir, from 'Adiy bin Hatim. See Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Volume I, page 349).
Do Muslims want to make the above scholars such as Lord god who are setting something halal and haram deeds? Ya Allah, we already deliver.
Selasa, 26 November 2013
Kurs/ Nilai tukar (Exchange Rate)
Nilai tukar antar mata uang (Exchange Rate) adalah jumlah dari suatu mata uang yang diserahkan untuk mendapatkan mata uang yang lain. Nilai tukar ditentukan oleh bermacam-macam aturan, baik nilai tukar maupun aturan itu sendiri dapat berubah. Perubahan nilai tukar atau nilai kurs antar mata uang dapat berpengaruh besar terhadap penjualan, biaya, laba dan
kesejahteraan individu. Selain komplikasi nilai tukar, masalah-masalah internasional khusus dan unik lainnya yang muncul bersumber pada kesempatan dan resiko yang ada pada investasi dan peminjaman di luar negeri. Oleh karena itu, sub bidang keuangan internasional berfokus pada masalah yang dihadapi manajer saat nilai tukar berubah dan ketika mereka terlibat dalam investasi atau pinjaman di luar negeri (Maurice D. Levi, 2004:1)
The exchange rate is the price of one currency stated in terms of a second currency. An exchange rate can be given in one of two ways, either as units of domestic currency per unit of foreign currency or vice versa (James Gerber, 2008: 209).
The exchange rate between two countries is the price at which residents of those countries trade with each other. Economists distinguish between two exchange rate: the nominal exchange rate and the real exchange rate. The nominal exchange rate is the relative price of the currency of two countries. When people refer to “the exchange rate” between two countries, they usually mean the nominal exchange rate. The real exchange rate is the relative price of the goods of two countries. That is, the real exchange rate tells us the rate at which we can trade the goods of one country for the goods of another. The real exchange rate is sometimes called the terms of trade(Mankiw, 2007: 131).
Kurs valuta asing dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam kurs jual dan kurs beli. Selisih antara penjualan dan pembelian adalah pendapatan bagi pedagang valuta asing. Sedangkan bila ditinjau dari waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam menyerahkan valuta asing setelah transaksi kurs diklasifikasikan ke dalam kurs spot dan kurs berjalan (forward exchange). Spot market adalah suatu pasar valas dimana dilakukan transaksi pembelian dan penjualan valas untuk penyerahan dalam jangka waktu paling lambat dua hari. Kurs yang digunakan untuk melaksanakan transaksispot disebut spot exchange rate. Spot rate adalah kurs yang berlaku untuk penyerahan 1-2 hari, tergantung jenis valasnya. Sedangkan kurs forward adalah kurs yang ditetapkan sekarang atau pada saat ini, tetapi diberlakukan untuk waktu yang akan datang antara lebih dari 2 x 24 jam sampai dengan satu tahun atau 12 bulan. Forward market adalah bursa valas dimana dilakukan transaksi penjualan dan pembelian valas dengan kurs forward (Hamdy Hady, 2008:68).
Pasar Spot valuta asing (spot foreign exchange rate market), adalah yang melibatkan pertukaran mata uang asing yang disimpan dalam rekening bank dengan berbagai denominasi mata uang. Kurs spot (spot exchange rate), yang ditentukan di pasar spot (spot market), adalah jumlah unit dari satu mata uang per mata uang lain, di mana keduanya dalam bentuk deposito bank. Deposito tersebut ditransfer dari rekening penjual ke rekening pembeli, dengan instruksi untuk menukarkan mata uang dinyatakan dalam bentuk pesan elektronis atau wesel bank, yaitu cek yang dikeluarkan oleh bank. Pengiriman, atau nilai (value), baik dari instruksi elektronis atau wesel dilakukan dengan “segera” – biasanya dalam 1 atau 2 hari (Levi, 2004: 33)
Pada dasarnya terdapat lima jenis sistem kurs utama yang berlaku (Mudrajat Kuncoro, 2001: 29) yaitu:
a. Sistem kurs mengambang (floating exchange rate) adalah kurs ditentukan oleh mekanisme pasar dengan atau tanpa adanya campur tangan pemerintah dalam upaya stabilisasi melalui kebijakan moneter. Dalam sistem kurs mengambang dikenal dua macam kurs mengambang, yaitu: pertama, mengambang bebas di mana kurs suatu mata uang ditentukan sepenuhnya oleh mekanisme pasar tanpa adanya campur tangan pemerintah. Sistem ini sering disebutclean floating atau pure/ freely floating rate. Kedua, mengambang terkendali (Managed or dirty floating rates) di mana otoritas moneter berperan aktif dalam menstabilkan kurs pada tingkat tertentu. Sejak 14 Agustus tahun 1997 di Indonesia sudah menggunakan sistem mengambang (floating exchange rate). Hal ini dikarenakan nilai tukar Rupiah mengalami tekanan yang menyebabkan semakin melemahkan nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap USD, tekanan tersebut berawal dari Thailand yang dengan segera menyebar ke negara-negara ASEAN karena karakteristik perekonomian yang relatif sama. Sistem mengambang ini menyebabkan pergerakan nilai tukar Rupiah di pasar menjadi sangat rentan oleh faktor ekonomi dan non ekonomi.
b. Sistem kurs tertambat adalah suatu negara mengaitkan nilai mata uangnya dengan suatu atau sekelompok mata uang negara lainnya yang merupakan negara mitra dagang utama dari negara yang bersangkutan. Dengan demikian maka mata uang negara tersebut bergerak mengikuti mata uang dari negara yang menjadi tambatannya.
c. Sistem kurs tertambat merangkak yaitu negara melakukan sedikit perubahan terhadap mata uangnya secara periodik dengan tujuan untuk bergerak ke arah suatu nilai tertentu dalam rentang waktu tertentu. Namun, sistem ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh spekulan valas yang dapat memperoleh keuntungan besar dengan membeli atau menjual mata uang tersebut sebelum terjadi revaluasi atau devaluasi. Keuntungan utama dari sistem ini adalah negara dapat mengatur penyesuaian kursnya dalam periode yang lebih lama jika dibandingkan dengan sistem kurs tertambat.
d. Sistem sekeranjang mata uang, banyak negara yang sedang berkembang menetapkan nilai mata uangnya berdasarkan sekeranjang mata uang. Keuntungannya adalah sistem ini menawarkan stabilitas mata uang suatu negara karena pergerakan mata uangnya disebar dalam sekeranjang mata uang. Mata uang yang dimasukkan dalam keranjang biasanya ditentukan oleh besarnya peranannya dalam membiayai perdagangan negara tertentu. Mata uang yang berlainan diberi bobot yang berbeda tergantung peran relatifnya terhadap negara tersebut.
e. Sistem kurs tetap, di mana negara menetapkan dan mengumumkan suatu kurs tertentu atas mata uangya dan menjaga kurs dengan cara membeli atau menjual valas dalam jumlah yang tidak terbatas. Sistem kurs tetap pernah diterapkan oleh Indonesia yaitu pada tahun 1970- 1978. Pada periode ini, Indonesia menganut sistem kontrol devisa yang sangat ketat. Eksportir diwajibkan menjual hasil devisanya kepada Bank Indonesia.
Menurut Maurice D Levi (2004: 132), faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kurs diantaranya:
a. Nilai tukar perdagangan dan jumlah perdagangan, harga ekspor negara relatif terhadap harga impornya dinamakan nilai tukar perdagangan negara. Nilai tukar perdagangan suatu negara dikatakan meningkat ketika harga ekspor meningkat relatif terhadap harga impornya.
b. Inflasi, kurs dipengaruhi oleh inflasi yang mempengaruhi daya saing produk suatu negara dibandingkan produk yang sama atau serupa dari negara lain.
c. Investasi asing, investasi asing di suatu negara mewakili permintaan terhadap mata uang negara tersebut ketika dilakukan investasi. Karena itu investasi di suatu negara, apakah dalam bentuk investasi langsung, investasi portofolio, atau pertambahan deposito penduduk luar negeri di bank domestik akan meningkatkan penawaran mata uang asing. Cateris paribus, aliran masuk bersih investasi cenderung menaikkan kurs luar negeri mata uang negara tersebut, dan aliran keluar bersih cenderung menurunkannya
kesejahteraan individu. Selain komplikasi nilai tukar, masalah-masalah internasional khusus dan unik lainnya yang muncul bersumber pada kesempatan dan resiko yang ada pada investasi dan peminjaman di luar negeri. Oleh karena itu, sub bidang keuangan internasional berfokus pada masalah yang dihadapi manajer saat nilai tukar berubah dan ketika mereka terlibat dalam investasi atau pinjaman di luar negeri (Maurice D. Levi, 2004:1)
The exchange rate is the price of one currency stated in terms of a second currency. An exchange rate can be given in one of two ways, either as units of domestic currency per unit of foreign currency or vice versa (James Gerber, 2008: 209).
The exchange rate between two countries is the price at which residents of those countries trade with each other. Economists distinguish between two exchange rate: the nominal exchange rate and the real exchange rate. The nominal exchange rate is the relative price of the currency of two countries. When people refer to “the exchange rate” between two countries, they usually mean the nominal exchange rate. The real exchange rate is the relative price of the goods of two countries. That is, the real exchange rate tells us the rate at which we can trade the goods of one country for the goods of another. The real exchange rate is sometimes called the terms of trade(Mankiw, 2007: 131).
Kurs valuta asing dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam kurs jual dan kurs beli. Selisih antara penjualan dan pembelian adalah pendapatan bagi pedagang valuta asing. Sedangkan bila ditinjau dari waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam menyerahkan valuta asing setelah transaksi kurs diklasifikasikan ke dalam kurs spot dan kurs berjalan (forward exchange). Spot market adalah suatu pasar valas dimana dilakukan transaksi pembelian dan penjualan valas untuk penyerahan dalam jangka waktu paling lambat dua hari. Kurs yang digunakan untuk melaksanakan transaksispot disebut spot exchange rate. Spot rate adalah kurs yang berlaku untuk penyerahan 1-2 hari, tergantung jenis valasnya. Sedangkan kurs forward adalah kurs yang ditetapkan sekarang atau pada saat ini, tetapi diberlakukan untuk waktu yang akan datang antara lebih dari 2 x 24 jam sampai dengan satu tahun atau 12 bulan. Forward market adalah bursa valas dimana dilakukan transaksi penjualan dan pembelian valas dengan kurs forward (Hamdy Hady, 2008:68).
Pasar Spot valuta asing (spot foreign exchange rate market), adalah yang melibatkan pertukaran mata uang asing yang disimpan dalam rekening bank dengan berbagai denominasi mata uang. Kurs spot (spot exchange rate), yang ditentukan di pasar spot (spot market), adalah jumlah unit dari satu mata uang per mata uang lain, di mana keduanya dalam bentuk deposito bank. Deposito tersebut ditransfer dari rekening penjual ke rekening pembeli, dengan instruksi untuk menukarkan mata uang dinyatakan dalam bentuk pesan elektronis atau wesel bank, yaitu cek yang dikeluarkan oleh bank. Pengiriman, atau nilai (value), baik dari instruksi elektronis atau wesel dilakukan dengan “segera” – biasanya dalam 1 atau 2 hari (Levi, 2004: 33)
Pada dasarnya terdapat lima jenis sistem kurs utama yang berlaku (Mudrajat Kuncoro, 2001: 29) yaitu:
a. Sistem kurs mengambang (floating exchange rate) adalah kurs ditentukan oleh mekanisme pasar dengan atau tanpa adanya campur tangan pemerintah dalam upaya stabilisasi melalui kebijakan moneter. Dalam sistem kurs mengambang dikenal dua macam kurs mengambang, yaitu: pertama, mengambang bebas di mana kurs suatu mata uang ditentukan sepenuhnya oleh mekanisme pasar tanpa adanya campur tangan pemerintah. Sistem ini sering disebutclean floating atau pure/ freely floating rate. Kedua, mengambang terkendali (Managed or dirty floating rates) di mana otoritas moneter berperan aktif dalam menstabilkan kurs pada tingkat tertentu. Sejak 14 Agustus tahun 1997 di Indonesia sudah menggunakan sistem mengambang (floating exchange rate). Hal ini dikarenakan nilai tukar Rupiah mengalami tekanan yang menyebabkan semakin melemahkan nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap USD, tekanan tersebut berawal dari Thailand yang dengan segera menyebar ke negara-negara ASEAN karena karakteristik perekonomian yang relatif sama. Sistem mengambang ini menyebabkan pergerakan nilai tukar Rupiah di pasar menjadi sangat rentan oleh faktor ekonomi dan non ekonomi.
b. Sistem kurs tertambat adalah suatu negara mengaitkan nilai mata uangnya dengan suatu atau sekelompok mata uang negara lainnya yang merupakan negara mitra dagang utama dari negara yang bersangkutan. Dengan demikian maka mata uang negara tersebut bergerak mengikuti mata uang dari negara yang menjadi tambatannya.
c. Sistem kurs tertambat merangkak yaitu negara melakukan sedikit perubahan terhadap mata uangnya secara periodik dengan tujuan untuk bergerak ke arah suatu nilai tertentu dalam rentang waktu tertentu. Namun, sistem ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh spekulan valas yang dapat memperoleh keuntungan besar dengan membeli atau menjual mata uang tersebut sebelum terjadi revaluasi atau devaluasi. Keuntungan utama dari sistem ini adalah negara dapat mengatur penyesuaian kursnya dalam periode yang lebih lama jika dibandingkan dengan sistem kurs tertambat.
d. Sistem sekeranjang mata uang, banyak negara yang sedang berkembang menetapkan nilai mata uangnya berdasarkan sekeranjang mata uang. Keuntungannya adalah sistem ini menawarkan stabilitas mata uang suatu negara karena pergerakan mata uangnya disebar dalam sekeranjang mata uang. Mata uang yang dimasukkan dalam keranjang biasanya ditentukan oleh besarnya peranannya dalam membiayai perdagangan negara tertentu. Mata uang yang berlainan diberi bobot yang berbeda tergantung peran relatifnya terhadap negara tersebut.
e. Sistem kurs tetap, di mana negara menetapkan dan mengumumkan suatu kurs tertentu atas mata uangya dan menjaga kurs dengan cara membeli atau menjual valas dalam jumlah yang tidak terbatas. Sistem kurs tetap pernah diterapkan oleh Indonesia yaitu pada tahun 1970- 1978. Pada periode ini, Indonesia menganut sistem kontrol devisa yang sangat ketat. Eksportir diwajibkan menjual hasil devisanya kepada Bank Indonesia.
Menurut Maurice D Levi (2004: 132), faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kurs diantaranya:
a. Nilai tukar perdagangan dan jumlah perdagangan, harga ekspor negara relatif terhadap harga impornya dinamakan nilai tukar perdagangan negara. Nilai tukar perdagangan suatu negara dikatakan meningkat ketika harga ekspor meningkat relatif terhadap harga impornya.
b. Inflasi, kurs dipengaruhi oleh inflasi yang mempengaruhi daya saing produk suatu negara dibandingkan produk yang sama atau serupa dari negara lain.
c. Investasi asing, investasi asing di suatu negara mewakili permintaan terhadap mata uang negara tersebut ketika dilakukan investasi. Karena itu investasi di suatu negara, apakah dalam bentuk investasi langsung, investasi portofolio, atau pertambahan deposito penduduk luar negeri di bank domestik akan meningkatkan penawaran mata uang asing. Cateris paribus, aliran masuk bersih investasi cenderung menaikkan kurs luar negeri mata uang negara tersebut, dan aliran keluar bersih cenderung menurunkannya
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